Schools should tighten their belts
Published 9:15 am Wednesday, February 19, 2003
By Staff
To the editor:
I am expressing my opinion about the idea of increasing sales taxes and property taxes for education - I see no need for an increase. All it will do is increase spending (by the school systems). The people of this county do not get their money's worth as it is, so what good would it do to take more of their hard-earned money.
The school system needs to tighten their belt just like businesses do when business is not good. I believe the people of this county need to take a sharper look at the wasteful spending that goes on all across the state in school systems. The thing is, Escambia County can not afford to spend wastefully.
One last point, all you hear is shop at home, shop at home, now what kind of individual is going to shop at home when there is nothing but one discount chain in the whole county and sales tax is 3 percent higher than surrounding counties including northwest Florida counties.
Maybe the state will take over and cut more wasteful spending, because they will get the books balanced.
Jeff Elliott