Homeowners should be protected against tax hike
Published 3:40 pm Wednesday, May 14, 2003
By Staff
To the editor:
I have some questions regarding UAB law professor Susan Hamill's support of the property tax on moral grounds.
Where is the morality in forcing low and fixed income homeowners to choose between paying property tax and paying for fire insurance, termite protection, needed repairs and even some health and dental problems? I know that even with current tax rates this is happening.
Will. Ms. Hamill and other property tax enthusiasts be there for homeowners who, because of unfortunate events, cannot pay their taxes? During the Great Depression many homes were lost when rates were far lower.
Finally, why should a homeowner who has no intention of ever selling his home, but simply wants to spend his life there, have to pay the endless tax hikes caused by changes in the fair market value? The home is much more than a mere commercial commodity is it not?
Any moral tax reform should give greater protection to the homeowner rather than further eroding this most basic and vital area of a free society.
Roger Stacey
Stapleton, Ala.