Red Cross welcomes donations, visitors
Published 9:46 am Tuesday, March 9, 2004
By Staff
March is Red Cross Month. We are always pleased to have visitors drop by the office to visit or pick up literature. We especially hope that during this month, each of your readers will accept this as an invitation to take a few minutes to come by, pick up literature or visit with us in our new location at 1014 Ste. 3 Douglas Avenue -- next to CitiFinancial's offices.
Information concerning what the Chapter does and how we are involved in the local and surrounding communities is available. Also available are various pamphlets, including but not limited to, tips on bad weather, fire recovery or how to make a disaster plan for your family or business. These are just a few of the items available at no charge to the public.
We also have several items available for purchase that would made great gifts while supporting the chapter. Those items include several different sizes of first aid kits, an Indy racing car replica, zippered notebooks, mouse pads, and more.
Books on babysitting, first aid and other related items are also available for purchase.
The local Red Cross Chapter covers the Brewton, East Brewton and Flomaton areas -- including their surrounding areas. It is only through your donations that we are able to reach out into the community to offer assistance when a fire or weather-related damage occurs. Did you know that we have an emergency food pantry, or that volunteers are available to speak at local functions? Did you know that our voting board membership includes a teenager from one of our local high schools?
We will be having a rummage sale March 27 in the parking lot in front of the office. We are currently accepting items for sale and giving receipts for those donations. Please drop items by the office. Monetary donations are welcome and needed.
Memberships in the local Red Cross chapter begin at $5 for individuals. Membership allows you to vote on the new board members and you get a small goodie bag. The funds are used for the support of the chapter.
Several of the local grocery stores, banks and churches have agreed to be pick-up points for donations of non-perishable grocery items and phone cards. Phone cards are being accepted for our local servicemen in Iraq. It has been suggested that the cards should be at least 60 minutes or more because of the time the connection from overseas may take. Any items may be dropped off at the local chapter office. Please call 867-3426 for further information.
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and to react to the plea for support.
Lawrence Weaver, Board Chairman
Rogene S. Martin, Chapter Manager