Letters to the editor

Published 12:07 am Wednesday, April 13, 2005

By Staff
In recent weeks there has been numerous discussions about the church bell at East Brewton Methodist Church being too loud.
While it has also been said how could the city write tickets for loud mufflers and loud boom boxes. First, for the boom boxes, the majority of what comes out of them is smut and garbage anyway, and I'm glad the council has decided to deal with this.
As for our City Council, we all went to the polls and elected them and they took an oath to vote the will of the people, and I truly think they've done this.
The church bells need to ring loudly and this church is trying to let them ring to say 'welcome, come.' At least in our city you can actually walk down the street after dark without being mugged.
Our young people attend services every Wednesday night there. What if they quit ringing the bell? What if our young people don't hear it? Where will they then go on Wednesday night?
Our community is a community you can call home. I'd like to thank the mayor and council for standing for what's right in this, and hope East Brewton can become what the sign says; a community of growth and progress.
I think we could all start by being better citizens. When you start to throw paper out, remember that someone else has to pick it up, not you. Think about others first, not ourselves.
Matthew: Chapter 7 Verse 12 simply says: Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them for this is the law and the prophets. Galations: Chapter 5 verse 14 says: For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this thou shalt love they neighbor as thyself.
Pastor Michael Cosey
East Brewton
Thank you or the article about the critical problem of dog fighting ("27 dogs seized, man arrested" 4-11-05). As the condition of the 27 dogs who were euthanized illustrates, dog fighting is patently cruel to the animals involved and a threat to human safety.
People who train pit bulls to fight keep them in heavy chains, taunt t hem into aggression, starve and beat them. If they lose a fight, they are often shot or burned alive. Not only are the dogs themselves dangerous, but their "trainers" are as well. Violence toward animals is strongly linked to other violent rimes, including crimes against people.
For the sake of animals and the safety of humans, dog fighting needs to be treated as the serious crime it is.
Kim Vaughn
Mobile, Ala.
A public thank you to Dr. Bob Smith for his blacksmithing expertise in repairing our gate at Union Cemetery. It was practically destroyed by Ivan-and now is as good as new-and up and functioning. Thanks again Bob.
Bob Hayes,
Union Cemetery Superintendent
City Tree and Beautification Board

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