Smith announces bid for re-election
Published 1:29 pm Wednesday, March 15, 2006
By Staff
Staff reports
Escambia County Sheriff Grover Smith announced this week he has qualified for re-election to the office of sheriff of Escambia County.
Smith said some of things he is most proud of are the installation of maximum security locks and lock controls in the Escambia County Detention Center, which should be completed by July of this year, the installation of 32 color surveillance cameras in the Detention Center and the Work Release Center presently under construction, all paid for with monies generated by housing federal inmates and not taken from the general fund.
In addition to providing security for the schools, the deputies also teach the Drug Awareness and Resistance Education (D.A.R.E) program to every fifth grade class. Funded almost entirely with private donations, Project Lifesaver was established in Escambia County. Project Lifesaver allows law enforcement to track victims of Alzheimer's disease that may wander away from home and become endangered.