Raving reads
Published 10:30 pm Monday, May 22, 2006
By Staff
Story and photo by Mary-Allison Lancaster
Thinking about heading to a larger city to watch a movie but the gas prices are too high? Sick and tired of reruns on the television? Already hoping summer ends?
There's an easy solution to the summer time, nothing to do blues - read!
Brooke Walker and Amy Madden were busy all week cataloguing the new book releases this week at the Brewton Public Library. Walker is recommending nearly 30 page-turners for adults and young adults to indulge in this summer.
Older and have children who won't leave you alone long enough to read your favorite book? Walker wants to have your kids come learn at the library.
Beginning June 8, the Summer Reading Program will begin for children, juniors and young adults. The 1 p.m. shows for the children include Archie Wade, magic show; Tommy Standefer, drum fun; and Rick Rakestraw, critters, among others.
Walker said everything is free, and the shows are going to be good this summer.
As an incentive to keep the kids reading throughout the summer, Walker said the children set a goal for a number of books they will read. Once they have attained their goal, they are given a coupon to receive a gift.
Walker said the “mob” typically includes more than 50 kids from surrounding areas who show up at the programs. However, getting the same type of response from the junior and young adult crowd is a different story.
Maddening because the Brewton Public Library goes to great lengths to accommodate young adults. Walker said she always hears teens complaining about how there's nothing to do in town, and her only response is “we've tried.”
But she hasn't given up on one particular idea to lure readers to the library. Walker said she's working on putting together a singles night at the library. Details should be available in the near future she said.
At the Book &Bean, a wide variety of books are available for sale. Can't find the one you want? Just ask, and Leza Nelson will try to find what you want.
Among the listed books, Walker highly recommends Dark Harbor by Stuart Woods.
Top books
Walker's Top Five Recommended Books:
1. Dark Harbor by Stuart Woods
2.The Templar Legacy by Steve Berry
3. Turning Angel by Greg Iles
4. Rebels of Ireland by Edward Rutherford
5. Promise Me by Harlen Coben
Summer reading ideas from the Library: