Looking Back … 50 years

Published 5:15 am Wednesday, July 12, 2006

By Staff
July 12, 1956
Brewton's Little League Yankee team members were J.W. Martin, Wayne Gillis, Allen Barnette, James Wilson, James Moorman, Johnnie Rowell, Richard Miller, Bobby Glen, Ted Jennings, Paul Owens, Clyde Evans, Billy Townsend, Jim Hayes, Bob Watson and Johnnie Watson. The team was managed by J. Pat Hayes.
New officers of East Brewton Civitan Club were installed recently according to Ross Glass, incoming president. Officers installed in addition to Glass were Maxwell Maddox, vice-president, Lovelace Parker, secretary-treasurer, James Parker, James Morris, Barney Thompson, Dr. Roy Couch and Clint G. Pearson as directors.
Grocery prices advertised for the week were: Shawnee Chief Flour, the 25 lb. bag – $1.89; round steak – 59 cents per pound; pork chops – 49 cents per pound; a one pound can of Maxwell House coffee – 99 cents.

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