Legion, Auxiliary units host district meeting in Brewton
Published 9:54 am Monday, March 12, 2007
By Staff
Special to the Standard
The American Legion and Auxiliary Post 79 hosted the 34th district meeting on Feb. 17 in Brewton.
Visitors from the state department were State Department Commander Willis Frazier and his wife, Christine; State Department Auxialiary President Dell Cook; Senior Vice Commander Richard Carlos Font; Junior Vice Commander Bill Ferguson; past State Department Commander Jimmy Mannes; Brenda Smith, chairman of auxiliary emergency fund and president of Unit 149 in Broughton, past District Auxiliary President Virginia Owens of Unit 79; Merrilene Garrett of Unit 90 and Liliie Mae Thompson, president of Unit 304; Ken Waddell of Florence. Also present were representatives from Covenant Hospice.
John Ferguson, a member of the Sons of the American Legion is running for the third division commander of that organization.
Following a join meeting with the legionaires and auxiliary members, dinner was served by the auxiliary ladies.
Auxiliary president, Lillie Mae Thompson, brought the meeting to order and recognized members from other units. Representatives from Atmore, Brewton, Evergreen, Florala and Gantt were on hand for the meeting.
The main topic of discussion for the meeting was scrapbooks. President Thompson encourage members to bring their books to the convention to be held in Huntsville. The books will also be on display at the July district meeting in Evergreen. Prizes and other awards will be made for the best scrapbooks presented.
Drawings for prizes were held and were presented to the winners. Winners in the drawing were Lillie Mae Thompson and Lynn Nix. Proceeds from the drawings were donated to the Jefferson Davis Community College nurses club for their “Backpacks for Kids” program.
The next meeting for the group will be held in Atmore at a time to be announced later. At that time the election of district officers will be held for the 2007-2008 club year.