Area youth show great maturity
Published 5:37 am Monday, February 25, 2008
By Staff
You've been hearing about it for a while now and the time has finally arrived: Progress.
This special edition that we have been working on since fall will finally hit the newsstands and doorsteps on Wednesday morning, I frankly, I'm a little proud.
The issue has lots of new stories and new information I feel confident you'll be interested in reading.
One of the assignments I had for this big edition was to compile something we're calling “Nine Who Shine.”
The stories are about nine school students who have shown someone they have promise in academics, the arts, sports or any number of areas. Well, let me tell you, the future is looking bright.
Never in my life have I been in contact with nine people under the age of 17 who have made me shake my head in wonder at the maturity they possess.
Usually, when I have the opportunity to be around elementary, middle or high school students, I keep in mind their age. However, while conducting interviews with the nine students you'll meet on Wednesday, I could have sworn I was speaking with adults.
Several of the students have their lives planned out so well it is amazing. With college plans in place, even by a middle school student, at least six of the individuals know what they want to do with the rest of their lives. I'm still not sure what I want to be.
I encourage you to take a few minutes Wednesday to read about these nine students who have shown maturity beyond their years. You'll meet nine area children who have made a plan for their future. In those stories, you'll also hear from adults who are encouraged by their attitudes, abilities and determination.
When you read about these students, you'll understand why our future is a bright one. With students, like the nine featured in our Progress edition, and countless others in our school systems in Brewton and Escambia County, we all may someday soon need to start wearing sunglasses all of the time.
Lisa Tindell is the editor of The Brewton Standard. She can be reached by e-mail at