East Brewton passes stiff litter ordinance
Published 1:12 pm Wednesday, April 16, 2008
By By Lisa Tindell – news editor
East Brewton officials are putting extra force behind efforts to clean up the city.
Clark introduced a new ordinance during Monday's meeting of the council that would impose stiff penalties for those who are caught littering. A unanimous vote from the council immediately put the ordinance into effect throughout the city.
Clark said the litter problem isn't isolated in East Brewton.
Lawton Shipp, city inspector, said the ordinance put into place is one that has been on the books for the State of Alabama for several years.
The ordinance passed Monday will impose fines of $250 for the first offense of littering with a $500 fine on subsequent offenses, Clark said.
In the ordinance, the definition of litter means rubbish, refuse, waste material, garbage, dead animals or fowls, offal, paper, glass, cans, bottles, trash, scrap metal, debris or any foreign substance of whatever kind and description and whether of not it is of value.
The ordinance will impose the same fines for those who litter highways or streets as well as those who criminally litter.
Criminal littering is defined by the new ordinance as anyone who engages in knowingly depositing, in any manner, litter of any public or private property or in public or private waters.
The ordinance also states that an accumulation of garbage, trash or discarded materials including bank statements, utility bills, bank card bills or other documents clearly bearing the name of a person shall be used as information to presume criminal littering by that person.
The ordinance also states that no person shall throw or deposit any glass bottle, glass, nails, tacks, wire, cans or any other substance likely to injure any person, animal or vehicle upon any highway or street. Anyone who litters and does not remove the litter immediately will be subject to the fines set forth in the ordinance.
Clark said signs will be erected within a couple of weeks alerting people of the fines imposed for the offense of littering.
Clark said police will begin enforcing the new ordinance immediately and the public is encouraged to help out as well.
Anyone with information concerning littering in East Brewton is asked to call city hall at 867-6092 or the East Brewton Police Department at 867-4864.