Supporting Relay for Life imperative
Published 2:22 pm Wednesday, April 23, 2008
By Staff
A large group of volunteers, sponsors, planners, walkers and musicians are planning to converge on the campus of the Greater Brewton Area YMCA Saturday for the annual Relay for Life Event.
The event, held each April, is one that is filled with excitement, fun, entertainment and even a touch of sadness.
The sadness of the event is what has kept hundreds of volunteers and thousands of dollars in donations coming year after year after year.
Cancer is a disease that has touched many lives. Lives of those who fight the battle of cancer are lost each day because a cure has yet to be found.
Through the unrelenting efforts of those who organize and present the Relay for Life event, cancer has either touched them personally or touched the life of someone they hold dear.
Through the support of Brewton area citizens and businesses, the Relay for Life event raises thousands of dollars each year that benefit research that, we hope, will someday help find a cure for this dreaded disease.
The donations of title-sponsor Southern Pine Electric Cooperative, along with corporate sponsors, Alabama Power Company, Bondurant Lumber and Hardware Inc. and Gulf Coast Cancer Center are essential to funding research to find a cure.
Donations from citizens who have had cars washed, bought donuts or taken part in raffles cannot be overlooked either. Each dollar donated brings us one step closer to a cure.
We encourage those who can to show up at the YMCA this Saturday between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. to enjoy the fun of Relay. Bring your wallets and pocketbooks for a chance to make a final donation to this years event.
The life you save could be your own.