Voting is everyone's duty
Published 6:33 pm Monday, June 2, 2008
By Staff
Tuesday is a very important day for me this coming week.
It's not a national holiday that would allow me an opportunity to have the day off to relax.
It's not my birthday, so I'm not expecting any gifts. It would be great if I got one, but I don't think that will happen.
I guess in a way, Tuesday will be something of a holiday for some people and they may actually even get a gift of sorts.
What Tuesday will be is an election day. Although the day is a primary, many decisions that will have a big effect on our lives for the next two to four years, will be made.
Tuesday is a big day for some local gentlemen as they face each other in the election for the position of Escambia County School Board member for District 1.
Both are fine men and I wish each of them a good dose of luck.
Another election we'll have a part in Tuesday will be the race for Escambia County Commissioner for District 2.
Each of the men who will have their name printed on the ballot Tuesday are fine men as well.
I won't voice my political opinion in this space today, but you can bet on Tuesday I'll be making my way to the Ridge Road Volunteer Fire Department and draw a couple of little black lines to indicate my choice for those two seats.
There have been elections over the past couple of years that have not given me much of a reason to roll out of bed early enough to go vote and make it to work on time. Even though that has been the case, I still voted.
The reason I voted is because I have always been taught it's my duty.
You bet it's a duty and it is a privilege that I intend to exercise every opportunity I'm given.
We live in a free society, thanks to some dedicated soldiers, that allows me that choice. It's one choice I gladly make each election.
My daddy once told me “if you don't vote, you can't complain.”
I've lived by that saying. I vote - every time. Even if my preferred candidate doesn't win, I still have the right to complain or praise anyone in office. By casting my vote, I've exercised my right to voice my opinion publicly and privately to anyone holding a political office.
I hope that you will exercise your right, and privilege, to vote in Tuesday's primary election.
Consider this: if you vote, you can gripe and complain or shout and praise all you want. If not, it might be better to keep silent.
We have an opportunity many foreign countries don't enjoy. Take the opportunity to vote.
Lisa Tindell is the news editor for The Brewton Standard. She may be reached by email at