Pamper your pets|Heat means dogs need help
Published 8:05 pm Wednesday, July 15, 2009
By By Lydia Grimes
Features Reporter
With the local temperature running in its usual 90s and even higher this summer, not only do people suffer, but pets will also have problems with the extreme heat.
Dr. Terry Parker, veterinarian at the Brewton Animal Hospital, said pets need extra care during the hot weather.
It is even more important during the heat to take care about leaving a pet in a closed up vehicle, Parker said.
Parker said he has treated some dogs who have had problems with the heat.
Pets who are outside need two main things to stay safe, Parker said.
Renee Jones, director of the Humane Society of Escambia County and animal cruelty investigator for the county, said pets have a hard time in extremely high temperatures.
Like Parker, Jones said she has already seen some animals this summer suffering from problems with the heat.
Jones said that pet owners have to pay attention to where they put their animals.