Walker up for best of US

Published 9:15 pm Friday, May 24, 2013

A Brewton pre-school educator may soon become a nationally known teacher. But, to achieve the goal, Brewton area residents are being asked to cast a vote in her favor.
Stephanie Walker, a teacher and director at St. Stephen’s Preschool in Brewton, has been selected as one of the top 20 educators in the Johnsonville Sausage’s Best of U.S. campaign.
The nationwide campaign is an initiative that is aimed at celebrating the best educators and community celebrations.
Walker’s nomination can be found on the Best of U.S. website at bestofus.johnsonville.com.
Public, online voting for the top 10 “Best of US” in each of the two categories has already begun. The last day to cast a vote will be June 13.
According to officials, the nominee receiving the highest number of votes in each category will take home a $10,000 prize.
Each of the additional nine finalists will receive a $1,000 cash prize.
Again, to cast a vote in the Johnsonville Sausage’s Best of U.S. Campaign, visit the ballot portion of the website at http://bestofus.johnsonville.com.
Each person may cast one vote per day.

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