Convicted murderer looking at parole
Published 9:44 pm Monday, June 24, 2013
More than a dozen people gathered in a private meeting Monday evening to determine the plan of action to keep a convicted murderer behind bars.
Family of Scott Williams, Brian Crane and Richard Cary were at the meeting that ended with a plan to draft letters, get signatures on petitions and show up at the parole hearing for Ethan Dorsey – the man sources say bragged to friends about the killings.
“We are the only voices they have left,” Mike Crane said of the three killed in November 1996. “We have to speak for them.”
The three were killed during a robbery committed by Dorsey and Calvin Middleton who is serving a life sentence without parole for his part in the crime. Dorsey was convicted on the three murder charges and was initially sentenced to death. However, a court decision in 2004 overturned the conviction on three capital murder charges and reduced them to felony murder charges resulting in a life with possibility of parole sentence. Dorsey’s first attempt at parole was thwarted, sources say, because of comments from legal officials in Covington County. The upcoming parole hearing will be the first true chance Dorsey has had for parole since being convicted of the crimes.
Crane is the uncle of the 13-year-old who was killed nearly 17 years ago. Caroline Kennedy, Cary’s sister, said she’s not sure she can speak to parole board members, but will be at the hearing next month.
“Oh, I’ll be there,” Kennedy said. “I won’t be able to speak because I know I’d be crying and no one could understand what I was saying. But, I will be there.”
Hazel Williams Carter said she is ready to speak on behalf of the brother she lost at the robbery and murder scene in Brooklyn all those years ago.
“I want to be merciful, understanding and forgiving and I want to have God’s guidance when I speak to the parole board,” Carter said. “But I still seek justice.”
For details on how to sign a petition or send a letter to parole board members, see the Wednesday edition of The Brewton Standard.