Sewer smoke test in East Brewton Monday
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 14, 2014
On Monday, the East Brewton utilities department will be testing sanitary sewer lines, and residents in certain areas of town are being asked to watch for smoke inside their homes.
Testing will occur in the following areas:
• Gillis Street;
• Churchill Street:
• Roosevelt Street;
• Forrest Avenue (U.S. Hwy. 29 and State Road 41 from Gillis to Brandenburg streets);
• Dailey Street (U.S. Hwy. 29 and State Road 41 to Ridge Road/Soffner Street);
• Ridge Road/Soffner Street to Elrod Avenue/Weaver Street.
The smoke should not enter any home unless a leak is present, officials said.
The presence of smoke inside the house should be reported immediately to the personnel conducting the test, or by calling the Utilities Department at East Brewton City Hall at 867-6092. It is normal for the smoke to come out house plumbing vents, and it will also come out any untrapped service.
Residents should avoid unnecessary exposure to the smoke. The smoke is relatively harmless but may be irritating to nasal passages. Any smoke irritation will be temporary and should quickly disappear after exposure has ceased. Persons with heart and respiratory ailments, such as emphysema, should leave the house if smoke enters the house. House pets will react in a manner similar to a prudent person and should leave the smoky areas. To minimize the chance of smoke entering the house, please pour water into all drains including floor drains prior to the date of test.
These tests are being conducted by the City of East Brewton as a part of the preparation of an application to obtain grant funding to rehabilitate the existing sanitary sewer lines in this proposed project area, officials said.