Manning tenders resignation on BCS Board

Published 9:00 am Friday, August 16, 2024

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Mark Manning, a long-time member of the Brewton City School Board, tendered his resignation from the group this week via a letter to Brewton Mayor Yank Lovelace.

On Monday, Lovelace provided the letter to members of the council ahead of creating a nominating committee tasked with searching for Manning’s replacement.

“Mark has done an excellent job for a number of years,” Lovelace told the council. “He is resigning his position after selling his home and planning a move from Brewton. The resignation will be effective as of Aug. 16.”

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Lovelace then named Councilors Carrie Brown, Feast Broughton and Cheryl Barton as committee members to search for and nominate a candidate for the position. No specific date was set for a report from the committee.

Also during Monday’s meeting of the council:

• A public hearing concerning property located at 713 Auction Street was held with co-owner Bridget Robinson speaking to the council.  Robinson asked the council to “give us another 90 days to get it cleared off,” with the council agreeing to the request. Robinson said the property had become a dumping site over the years and cleaning up the spot has been an issue. She stated that when some cleaning has been done in the past, more dumped debris would show up. She stated that she, along with a joint-owner, are working to get it cleaned up and maintained to prevention any issues with neighbors or the city;

• approved a temporary lease agreement with Alabama Power at the Brewton Municipal Airport;

• appointed Millie Murphree to the City of Brewton Tree and Beautification Board;

• appointed Beverly Maldanado to the Brewton Water Works Board.