Sheriff welcomes new sergeants

Published 1:47 pm Wednesday, April 11, 2007

By By Lisa Tindell – news writer
Escambia County Sheriff Grover Smith took an opportunity Monday to introduce the department's newest sergeants to the Escambia County Commission.
The officers include Chad Emmons, Matt Hammon, Brandon Burkett and Adam Johnson.
Also during Monday's Escambia County Commission meeting, Susan Tyree presented information concerning the Community Development Block grants for the upcoming year.
Tyree explained that two water systems in the county in need of being updated and renovated.
Tyree also explained that with a $400,000 per-county limit on CDBG grants, Escambia County might fall short in getting funding for those projects.
The county made note that the next public hearing for Escambia County CDBG information will be held on Thursday, April 19 at the satellite courthouse in Atmore beginning at 6 p.m.
In other business Monday, the commission:

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