Letters to the editor
Published 2:15 pm Monday, April 16, 2007
By Staff
I read in Sunday's sports section that the Pace High School track team dealt the T.R. Miller Tiger track them their first setback of the season. Mr. Brundidge is quoted saying “we were short a few people in some places.” It is a real shame because this didn't have to happen. If T.R. Miller supports its track team like it does other sports the team would not have been shorthanded.
On the day of the event with Pace only the students that have athletics class as their seventh period class were allowed to go and participate in the meet. We attempted to have our son placed in athletics when we moved here in January but were told the athletics class is only for football and basketball athletes. I emailed Principal Rotch and Superintendent Smith concerning the lack of support for our track members that do not play football or basketball. Superintendent Smith responded that Mr. Brundidge would have to be contacted regarding the situation. This response was expected since Smith is removed from such details as a superintendent. Mr. Rotch refused to answer my email as requested but later called my home stating I could come meet with him.
I was told “through the grapevine” that it is a law that no student can be released from school early to attend or participate in a sporting event unless that student has athletics class as their seventh period class. Whether that is true or not I have not been able to determine. If it is true, why were students (any student) allowed to leave school early to attend a fairly recent basketball tournament?
If it seems like I am against the football and basketball program, I'm not. I simply want to see the track team and other programs receive the support they deserve.
Jeff Youngblood
Congratulations to the producers, directors and all the help and especially the students who participated and did such a fine job in “The Wizard of Oz” play at Flomaton High School. It was very well performed.
And to Rob, your Gramma and me sure were glad you mustered up enough courage to play a part.
James Sunday