Phones fuel rumors

Published 4:48 pm Monday, May 7, 2007

By By Adam Prestridge
Escambia County School officials are likely to review the district's cell phone policy after rumors of student threats and violence spread like wildfire thanks to the ubiquitous communication tool.
Parents of Escambia County High School students rushed to check students out of school Friday as rumors circulated about an alleged shooting plot - but the rumors were quickly determined to be unfounded.
The rumors fueled a frenzy of parents and relatives rushing to check out students, which in turn caused additional confusion for residents and congestion on roadways leading to the school.
In fact, the student in question never made the remarks, according to students that claimed at first to hear the threat.
With cell phone use being linked to the source of the rumor mill, Escambia County Superintendent Billy Hines said the board would revisit the current policy. &#8220Our cell phone policy is pretty strict,” he said. &#8220Will the board review? You bet you we will.”
Now, if a student is found in possession of a cell phone, they receive one day of On Campus Suspension or if they are caught with a cell phone in their pocket or using it, it results in a day of suspension.

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