Summer, white squash offer taste of the season
Published 4:38 am Wednesday, August 1, 2007
By Staff
If you want to taste something a little different and nourishing try White Scallop Squash. You may not have heard of this unusual vegetable before, but Ada Baker of the Damascus Community is an expert on producing this oddity. Her daughter Penny Baker-Miles calls them little “space ships” because of their unusual color and shape.
One of their friends enjoys eating the squash, hot off the grill. She simply cuts the white squash in half, adds seasoning, onions and grills. Yumm mmm.
The Bakers pick a variety of squash every day which includes the white, yellow crook-neck, butternut, and zucchini. Mrs. Baker and her family have certainly enjoyed their bounty of squash and are now about “squashed out”. However, here is their new favorite white squash dish to make as well as another favorite pickle recipe. Enjoy!
Squash Soup
2 medium-size yellow or white scallop squashes
1 cup boiling water
4 cups milk
Salt and pepper
Sliced onions (optional)
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
Wash the squash, but do not peel it if it is young and tender. Cut in small pieces and cook in the boiling water until very tender. Scald the milk. When the squash is tender, mash it thoroughly so that only pulp remains. Stir in the scalded milk, season to taste with salt and pepper, and add the butter. Heat thoroughly, but do not boil. Serve immediately. (Serves 4)
Bread and Butter Squash Pickle
8 cup thinly sliced yellow summer squash
3 cup sugar
2 teaspoon celery seed
2 cups thinly sliced white onions
2 teaspoon mustard seed
2 tablespoon salt (not iodized)
4 sweet bell peppers, thinly sliced
2 1/2 cups cider vinegar
Combine squash and onions. Sprinkle with salt.
Set aside 1 hour.
Drain off liquid. Combine vinegar, sugar, celery seed, mustard seed, and pepper. Bring to a hard boil.
Add squash mixture. Bring to a boil. Pack into hot, pint sized standard canning jars. Adjust lids and bands.
Process in boiling waterbath canner (212 degrees) for five minutes. Yields about 6 pints.