Fire destroys home

Published 4:40 am Wednesday, August 1, 2007

By By Lisa Tindell – news reporter
An Escambia County family has little left after a Saturday night blaze destroyed their home on Ridge Road.
Ron and Susie Allen's house was fully engulfed in flames as the East Brewton Fire Department, the Ridge Road Volunteer Fire Department and three other departments responded to the fire. Red Cross staff also responded to the call.
The blaze was large enough to have firefighters request assistance from three other volunteer departments: Damascus, Bradley and Dixonville.
The Allens, who live in the home with Mrs. Allen's parents, Bruce and Maebelle Blair, have made arrangements to move into a small residence near their burned home.
Allen said the fire was one of several
&#8220We have been taking care of my parents for 10 years,” Susie Allen said. &#8220My father has some medical issues and my mother is in the hospital right now. With everything we have been dealing with and now with the fire, we are mentally tired.”
Although the Allens do have a place they can move into, furnishings for the house are very sparse, according to Rogene Martin, director of the East Escambia chapter of the American Red Cross.
Martin said the home did not have any appliances or furniture needed to make a house livable.
Although help from agencies around Brewton may be limited for the Allens, the family is thankful for what they have.
Although an exact cause of the fire has not been official determined, Allen said she believes the fire may have started in the back porch area of the residence.
Anyone interested in donations that may aid the Allens or other families who have suffered losses due to a home fire, may contact the East Escambia Chapter of the American Red Cross. The office is located at 1014 Douglas Ave., or the chapter may be reached by phone at 867-3426.

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