Coach Riggs was making news way back then, too
Published 4:00 am Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Looking back in the old issues of The Brewton Standard are always entertaining. In 1986, 30 years ago, Brad Byrne announced plans to seek the circuit judge seat. Now we all know how that turned out. Judge Byrne is still sitting on the bench in Escambia County.
Some painful news occurred in East Brewton when a bulldog attacked an elderly woman. The dog was captured and sent to the pound and its owner was arrested for violating the city’s dog ordinance.
Now I know that both Brewton and East Brewton have dog ordinances, but they have never been enforced with any degree of success. There are just too many dogs and too few police officers to enforce the law. But this just shows that, although the laws are not actively observed, it only takes one violation to cost someone their freedom or their pocketbook. Everyone thinks their dog is way too sweet and mild mannered to hurt anyone, but you never know.
There was a photograph of East Brewton mayor Terry Clark (he was not the mayor at the time) fighting a house fire. The cutline for the photo said he was a member of the city council.
The city of Brewton was looking at plans for the upcoming industrial park to be built south of Brewton.
Jamie Riggs has been in the news lately as he announced his retirement plans and his decision to stay on at T.R. Miller High School. He has been the athletic director and coach for 27 years at T.R. Miller High School. Well, 30 years ago, his photo was in The Brewton Standard because he had just taken a job as head coach at Opp High School. He stayed over there to coach about three years and found Becky, his wife, before coming to T.R. Miller High School.
Brewton police chief, Glen Holt announced his plans to run for sheriff. The Holt name has been associated with law enforcement for many years and even today, his grandson, Brock, is serving on the police force here in Brewton.
Announcements were made listing the students at Mobile College who were on the President’s List. Brewton’s own Steve Yuhasz was one of those who had a 4.0 grade point average. Steve, we all knew you were smart.
After the lapse of several years of putting baby bracelets on the new babies at the hospital, Dr. Jimmy Adkisson renewed the old-fashioned habit of putting the plastic beaded bracelets on new born babies. I don’t know if they still do this or not, but the bracelet surely looks better than that hospital bracelet. After all, all mothers save that first bracelet.
Lastly, the state lake was under construction east of town. It was named for Brooks Hines, the late representative in the state legislature. I know that lots of you have been there many times. As I am not a fisherman, I have never seen the lake, but I know it makes a lot of people happy.