Practice care this holiday
Published 5:23 pm Wednesday, May 21, 2008
By Staff
Memorial Day has been known for years as the official beginning of summer. With the holiday period beginning in just a couple of days, it's time to remind holiday travelers to use caution.
Although the holiday is really about paying tribute to fallen heroes of war, that idea usually gets lost among all the cookouts, gatherings and other festivities.
As the celebration of the beginning of summer is held over the coming long weekend, we encourage those who plan to travel to use extra caution.
The Alabama Department of Public Safety will have toopers on increased patrols throughout the holiday weekend.
Typically, the reason for their increased patrols is to make themselves visible. That visability is generally for the purpose of reminding drivers to slow down.
Local law enforcment are also planning to increase their patrols and be on the lookout for drivers who shouldn't be behind the wheel.
We hope the visibility of state and local law enforcment officers on patrol will be a reminder to be safe while driving. This area has lost too many people to drunk driving, speeding and lack of seatbelt use.
We hope that you enjoy cookouts with friends and family this holiday weekend. If a trip to the beach, river or creek is in your plans, we hope you exercise caution while driving and swimming.
Fun, food and family should be a part of the holiday weekend for everyone. It is our hope that hospitals and doctors are a part of this holiday season.
Have a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend.