What can we learn from Spongebob?
Published 4:41 am Monday, September 28, 2009
By By Lydia Grimes
features reporter
First United Methodist Church pastor Dr. Ed Glaize is using a familiar character to help teach children — of all ages — about the God’s teachings.
Glaize’s program “The Gospel According to Spongebob” is taught on Sunday nights at the church.
Glaize pointed out that in one episode, when the evil Plankton is trying to convince Spongebob that the way to get ahead in life is to be aggressive, Spongebob turns that on its head and says he will be aggressively kind.
Another lesson deals with Snail running away from home. Glaize compares it to the Prodigal Son. In yet another episode, he talks about Mr. Crabs and how he no longer fits into his shell.
Glaize said the program has drawn several children to learn about how Spongebob can teach moral lessons.