Census job testing offered Monday
Published 5:00 pm Monday, January 25, 2010
By By Lisa Tindell
news editor
For area residents hoping to add a few dollars to their family budget, the U.S. Census Bureau is offering a chance to make a little extra money.
Residents throughout Escambia County will be given an opportunity to become employees of the U.S. Census Bureau for the upcoming 2010 Census count.
Shakeena Bradley, local employment coordinator, said testing and training for those interested in working during the Census count, is being offered in anticipation of hiring workers.
Bradley said the test is given on a first-come, first-served basis with pre-registration recommended.
Although testing on Jan. 25 is limited, Bradley said there may be additional opportunities for employment testing soon.
For those hired to be a part of the 2010 Census crew, Bradley said the pay is good and hours are somewhat flexible.
Bradley said those who take employment tests should be prepared with proper identification for testing.
Bradley said each tester should bring one item from list A or one item from list B and C shown as accepted identification:
List A: passport or employment authorization document (unexpired with a photo).
List B: driver’s license of ID with photo, school ID with photo, voter’s registration card, U.S. Military or dependents ID card or draft record, U.S. Coast Guard or Native American Tribal document.
List C: Social Security card, original or certified copy of birth certificate, Native American Tribal document, U.S. Citizen ID card, resident citizens car, unexpired employment card from Homeland Security.
Bradley said there is a practice test at www.2010censusjobs.gov. To pre-register for testing, visit the Web site or call 1-866-861-2010.