T.R. Miller employees are applauded
Published 4:40 am Monday, January 12, 2004
By Staff
We salute the great people at T.R. Miller Mill Co. for their response to the American Red Cross on-site blood drive Wed., Jan. 7. A special thanks to Mr. Wendell Jacks and Mrs. Denise Turner for their leadership. Good job folks.
Also, we are very grateful for the fine people in our business community for the page ad announcing our area blood drive Dec. 1, 2003.
As you may have heard on the news, blood supplies are at an all-time low. Donations are down all over to the point that in some cases, patients are having to postpone surgeries because if the blood isn't available in their area, it can't be sent from another area because their supply is depleted also.
We strongly encourage everyone to think of making a new year's resolution that donating blood at every opportunity (every two months) will be a priority. Watch the paper, listen to WEBJ Radio and be on the look-out for posters announcing upcoming drives.
Together we can save a life.
American Red Cross Volunteer Coordinator