Right from Birth program reaches local teen parents
Published 10:21 am Monday, March 15, 2004
By By ANNA M. LEE Assistant Editor
About 30 teen parents in the area recently had the opportunity to learn from Alabama Public Television about the development of their babies.
On March 3, the teens gathered at the Escambia County Health Department in Brewton to participate in the Right from Birth program.
Raulerson played a key role in bringing the program to Escambia County.
In the Right from Birth workshop, teen parents view episodes from the television series and participate in hands-on activities and group discussions.
Participants are given a six-book set of children's books to promote literacy and a booklet to guide parents through the development of their children.
Also, after completing the workshop series, the parents will receive a certificate for six hours of child development and parenting skills training.
A second Right from Birth session will be held March 17 at D.W. McMillan Memorial Hospital to provide more space for the high turn out, Raulerson said.
The Right from Birth workshops are funded in part by grants from Children's Trust Fund of Alabama and the Alabama Department of Human Resources.
Right from Birth is only the first in a series of programs planned by the Five Star Alliance for Children. The group is a partnership of public television networks in Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana and Georgia.
The next program in the Five Star Alliance for Children's series will be "Going to School."
It will help parents prepare children three to eight years of age for learning at school. Alabama Public Television will begin broadcasting "Going to School" in June.