Our View
Published 7:58 pm Monday, March 7, 2005
By Staff
The Escambia County Sheriff's Department drew state and even national attention last week when it shut down a hog/dog "rodeo" event and charged several area residents with animal cruelty, a misdemeanor.
The Alabama Department of Agriculture, Alabama Department of Conservation assisted with the investigation, as did the Mobile County Sheriff's Office, Baldwin County Sheriff's Office, Covington County Sheriff's Office, Covington County District Attorney's Office, U.S.Customs, Alabama Department of Conservation, 21st Judicial Drug Task Force and the Escambia County Humane Society
In these events, a hog was released into a pen and a dog is timed to see how long it takes for the dog to "catch" the hog. Dogs are timed during each "catch" and the dog with the fastest time is the winner of the event. At Saturday night's event, investigators seized more than $3,000 in cash collected from the ticket gate and concession stand. The Department of Agriculture investigators quarantined 45 hogs that were used in the event.
This investigation and arrest speaks strongly that law enforcement officials in our county and our state will not stand by and allow residents to profit from cruelty to aniimals.
We salute Sheriff Grover Smith, members of his department and other law enforcement officials who assisted in this investigation.