TRM tennis team plans ‘legends’ tournament
Published 2:27 pm Friday, February 10, 2012
Are you a tennis legend? How about just starting out in the game of tennis? If you are classified as either, the T.R. Miller High School tennis courts are calling for you.
On Saturday, Feb. 25, at 9 a.m., the 2012 T.R. Miller tennis team will sponsor a Legends Tennis Tournament.
T.R. Miller tennis coach Paul Smith said this is the third year his team will sponsor the tournament.
“This is the third year and the legends are people who generally who play regularly,” Smith said. “It can be previous players that were on our team—ones who have graduated—or anyone. We just want to just get the community involved.”
Smith said the Legends Tennis Tournament for his team will also be a fundraiser.
“We are not taking money, we are just asking for a donations of two cans of tennis balls (Wilson or Penn tournament balls),” he said. “We will use those when the season starts. We have never been this big before in promoting the actual tournament so I don’t know how big it will be. It could be pretty big then it could not. It could be an all-day thing. We don’t have an entry fee or anything it is just something that we do to try and get the community involved and give the players a chance to help get the season kicked off.”
The T.R. Miller Tiger tennis team will start their 2012 season Monday, March 5 against Andalusia here in Brewton.
“This schedule this year is one of our most challenging,” Smith said. “We have added a few more matches this year.”
Smith said parents, former players, people interested in tennis or ones starting to play tennis are invited to come out and play in the tournament.
“They will play team members,” Smith said. “If we get a lot of people playing, we may have to match them up. But everyone will play some way and some how. It should be a lot of fun. If it rains us out, we have an open weekend the next weekend before the season. I think it will a lot of fun. It usually is good for our team to start the season off.”
For more information or questions, contact Smith at 809-4528 or at 867-3470