PTK joins Red Cross to form disaster team
Published 5:07 pm Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Members of the Jefferson Davis Community College Phi Theta Kappa organization will be joining forces with the American Red Cross to help form a group of volunteers ready to respond in cases of disaster. PTK member Angela Bell will be serving as the student leader for the group to work as chair for the Red Cross Commnity Action Group being formed. “After the tornadoes in Tuscaloosa and surrounding areas last year I started wondering what our community would do if that were to happen to us,” Bell said. “That worried me. I wasn’t aware of any community organization in our area that could provide relief if that or any other disaster should take place.” Bell said the help of Sharon Peacock, advisor for the PTK group at JDCC, was instrumental in putting a group effort together to face disasters in the Brewton area. “We are both aspiring to form a volunteer group partnered with the Red Cross so immediate action can be taken when disaster strikes,” Bell said. “It is never scheduled, but sometimes inevitable. I believe preparedness is the best protection from disasters.” In response to that need, Bell and other members of the group, will be holding a community meeting to allow others to join the group to be a disaster response team. Two meetings are being planned to give opportunities for community residents to learn more about the team and what their response would be in the event of a disaster. “We are looking for community members that would like to be trained/certified in disaster relief services,” Peacock said. “Our goal is to be fully prepared when disaster strikes. If you are interested in giving back to your community and joining this group we would love to have you.” Meetings are planned for Thursday, May 17 beginning at 6 p.m. in the Neal Building on the campus of Jefferson Davis Community College on Alco Drive. A second meeting is planned for Saturday, May 19 at 10 a.m. in the same location. For additional information or to learn more about the group, contact Bell by email at or Sharon Peacock at Both meetings are open to the public.