New license plate to benefit fishing programs

Published 5:28 am Monday, July 17, 2006

By Staff
From staff reports
A new license plate featuring a largemouth bass is now available for purchase at probate offices across the state.
Proceeds from the sale of the &#8220Take a Kid Fishing” tag will be used by the Department of Conservation's Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries to assist in funding projects for aquatic resource education, habitat enhancement, and restoring rare aquatic species to Alabama's waters.
The specialty tag costs $50 and includes personalization of five characters. Personalized tags can be ordered at county probate offices or reserved through the Alabama Department of Revenue Web site at
Through aquatic resource education provided by the Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries, children are provided an opportunity to enjoy the outdoors and gain valuable knowledge about Alabama's aquatic environments. Tag revenues will be used to purchase rods and reels for the loaner program, supplies for community fishing events, interactive equipment and software, and conservation education materials for Alabama's youth.
Money from the sale of the tag will also go to the Habitat Enhancement and Restoration Team, a new program to benefit aquatic organisms in streams and lakes. Habitat enhancement will lead to improved fishing and help fish populations reach their full potential.
The Fisheries Section will be able to partner with bass clubs, school clubs, environmental groups and hydroelectric companies for aquatic habitat projects.
The number of aquatic species in Alabama is very high compared with the remainder of the United States.
Some fish, mussels, snails and crayfish are unique to Alabama's waters.
A few of these types of animals are rare and need your help to maintain their existence. Part of the &#8220Take a Kid Fishing” license proceeds will allow the new Alabama Aquatic Biodiversity Center in Marion to grow these animals for release into the wild and help Alabamians understand the unique requirements for their existence.
Conservation Commissioner Barnett Lawley says the availability of the tag would not be possible without the help of a private donation.

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